How to Prevent Stormwater Polution

Ways you can help:

  • Never place anything down a storm drain.
  • Reduce impervious areas so that rain can soak into the ground naturally.
  • Conserve water.
  • Use native plants.
  • Limit the use of fertilizer and never fertilize before a rainstorm.
  • CLEAN UP AFTER YOUR PETS. Morganton City ordinance requires owners to clean up after their pets on City streets, sidewalks, parks, public parking areas and other public areas. Residents should keep pets on their property or on a leash.
  • Wash your car at a commercial car wash or where the water can soak into the ground.
  • Reduce, recycle and reuse.
  • Dispose of household hazardous waste properly.
  • It is illegal to pipe downspouts into storm rains